
Room 4 - Level 4 

10:20 - 11:20 


Talk (60 min)

When will you learn? A Teacher’s Guide to Developer Learning

The role of the developer is a moving target. Competent today ≠ competent next year. So, if learning is key to your everyday success as a developer, how do you learn a new technology while balancing the needs of your day job?

Soft Skills

Emma shares her experience as a professional educator on how people can effectively learn, without the burden of late nights at the desk or expensive and time-consuming courses. With her extensive experience in the classroom as well as a career as a developer, she is uniquely qualified to teach you how to show up in an era abundant with resources, but lacking in clear pathways.

In this session, Emma will take you through the 5 things that you, as a self-guided learner can embrace to ensure you are learning in the most effective way. You will learn how to create your own curriculum, why cultivating an interest in learning itself is going to be your best bet and even how to leverage your developer communities for maximum impact. Each tip is backed by evidence and aimed at empowering developers to thrive in their learning journeys.

Emma Burstow

As Director of Developer Relations at Umbraco, with almost a decade in the industry, Emma is a firm believer in the importance of tech communities and the value in collaborating, contributing and creating pathways for newcomers. A .NET developer and Microsoft MVP, Emma spends her free time open water swimming, playing video games with her kids and hiking the Danish Countryside with her rescue dog.